Sunday rhythm

     Most of the time I use Sundays for laziness, just like today.  Although, that today is pretty good day for outdoor activities I want some time for myself.  Spending the day at home doing all girly stuff like cleaning my face, painting my nails and watching Sex and the city ( currently on season 2).
      I don't know about you but I really enjoy doing these things and all the chores at home, under the sound of my fave music at the moment. So I thought, why not share with you guys playlist with my faves ? 
      And here it is! I'm really productive while listening to music and if you are like me or you just enjoy listening your favourite artist hit the Play button.



  1. Awesome! I love lazy Sundays, I look forward to them all week! Thanks for sharing.

    xxxx from Emily //

  2. Love the song you played.
    Good vibes, FOX
    check out my blog and my latest VLOG


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